4.529 -4.859 l h 0 -2.448 l f 0.637 -3.565 l -2.12 -0.247 -1.649 -0.713 -0.841 -0.713 c -0.713 2.585 -0.082 3.19 0.434 3.19 c -1.271 -4.046 -1.271 -3.929 -1.344 -3.929 c Crews have worked long hours to meet deadlines and are anticipating the end of the project. Q 0 0 0 1 K 3.588 1.39 l 0.689 -0.262 0.376 -0.286 0.133 -0.405 c Q /Annots [ 18 0 R ] >> 44.625 0 Td -0.284 6.069 l 0 Tw -1.593 -3.574 -1.924 -2.88 -1.924 -2.2 c 0 0 0 1 k /T1_4 1 Tf 2.562 0.808 2.005 1.298 1.278 1.298 c -0.946 -0.557 0.161 -0.31 0.161 -1.193 c endstream endobj 470 0 obj <>>>/Filter/Standard/Length 128/O(YBfwP^#3j`c)/P -1340/R 4/StmF/StdCF/StrF/StdCF/U(Ee78SMOcI )/V 4>> endobj 471 0 obj <>/Metadata 19 0 R/Outlines 24 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/Pages 467 0 R/StructTreeRoot 31 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 472 0 obj <>/Font<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 473 0 obj <>stream 284.59 351.319 0.637 -0.608 re 0 0 m -0.083 -1.432 0.238 -1.151 0.62 -0.635 c / 1 0 0 1 342.3291 356.95641 cm 468 0 l 1 0 0 1 277.62109 355.2411 cm q endstream endobj startxref 5.191 -9.898 l -0.964 3.177 m 2.338 -0.665 l 469 0 obj <> endobj 3.442 2.599 2.957 3.205 2.409 3.825 c 0.603 -0.332 l -0.021 Tw 0 0 m -0.964 3.177 m 1 0 0 1 99.8298 669.5269 cm 3.716 -5.913 l Test pressure shall not vary by more than 5 psi (34.5 kPa) for the duration, Valves shall not be operated in either direction at a differential pressure, exceeding the rated valve working pressure. 1.801 -1.021 l q /GS0 62 0 R >> -0.207 -1.058 l First edition approved by AWWA Board of Directors May 8, 1977. /T1_1 49 0 R 2.037 2.644 1.427 1.905 0.858 0.886 c /Resources << 2. 1.273 -2.056 1.291 -2.131 1.336 -2.205 c Q March 2003. /T1_2 1 Tf 1.075 -1.278 0.922 -1.364 0.728 -1.364 c q 6.949 -1.985 l 2.131 -3.425 l 0 0 m 1.901 0 l 0.626 -0.986 0.344 -1.267 0 -1.267 c We provide the resources you need to continue to learn and the tools you need to do your job well. 116.791 674.207 1.9 -1.815 re f /Type /Page Use of a test pressure greater, than the rated valve pressure can result in trapped test pressure between the, gates of a double-disc gate valve. /ColorSpace << /Annots [ 18 0 R ] /GS2 63 0 R [ (\205) -21 (\206) -14 <11191f> -10 (\210) -21 <06> -19 (\206) -12 <0d> -14 (\215) -19 <0f> -16 <06> -26 <04> -13 <06> -14 <0f> -17 <10> -10 <111912> -8 <11> -11 <0e> -13 <0d> -14 (\210) -12 (\215) -20 <07> -19 <11190d> -15 <0c191d> -21 <04> -12 <0b> -13 <11191a> -3 <04> -13 <06> -8 <11> -11 (\215) -36 (\223) ] TJ 1.887 -0.3 l h >> 0 -0.704 0.47 -1.265 1.279 -1.265 c Explanation: Defineswhat an AWWA Standard is and what it covers. h >> 0.637 0.465 l The Mc Wane Ductile Double Bump protocol is an excellent diagnostic process written for operators to differentiate a leak from trapped air: If the amount of make-up water remains the same or slightly improves, this is an indicates trapped air. h Can the AWWA M41 Manual Really Fit in Your Pocket? 1.925 -1.773 l h [ <0f> 2 (\033) -26 (\031) -9 (\036) -4 <1d171b> -26 (\036) 15 <0e170d> -9 <0c> 16 <12> 2 (\031) -9 <1017> ] TJ adobe:docid:indd:5cad130e-228d-11dd-b753-bc3d6c84f515 AWWA - C605 - Underground Installation of Polyvinyl - GlobalSpec 0.31 -5.509 -0.269 -4.829 -0.848 -4.342 c f Q /ColorSpace 20 0 R 1.602 -2.283 2.552 -1.829 2.992 -1.021 c Q AWWA is the voice of water in the nation's capital. >> Q -0.341 6.572 l 1.404 -3.83 l It is good practice to allow the system to stabilize at the. }K ^5azrXq* HE+3X ? m:eVRw~XK+UbMWr1sMgG&o~y$PPz:0NeRdi*YO]HRT,dYVur23HU45xUp /C2_0 39 0 R AWWA q q endstream h Let's be perfectly clear: An air test is absolutely not the same as a hydro test. In a continuous effort to make your job easier, we have developed an online submittal builder to quickly and neatly package your personalized presentation. 0.561 0.732 0.228 0.661 -0.019 0.546 c Fromdesign to installation, we take great pride in providing education and trainingto water professionals throughout the water and waste water industry. 5.049 -1.305 l -0.761 -1.526 -0.504 -1.464 -0.504 -1.226 c q -0.312 -0.222 m 1 0 0 1 280.3071 349.5883 cm II). >> q 4.808 -7.303 l 0 -2.448 l /ExtGState << (\030\034) Tj -4.325 -3.83 l The water supply container must be marked at the water level to assist with calculating the make-up water. 0 0 m /T1_3 1 Tf >> 2.115 -2.448 l 0 1.16 l Awwa C600 Testing Requirements Pdf /BleedBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] 1.611 -1.141 l 1.649 2.652 l hydrostatic testing f /GS2 63 0 R -0.941 -2.422 -1.013 -2.895 -1.013 -3.485 c 4 M 1.928 -7.091 l /Type /Page 8.765 -9.898 l 6.977 -1.985 l 0.637 0 l The husband then asks his favorite mother-in-law the same question and receives the same response, "That's the way my mom did it." /CS0 66 0 R 0.382 -2.524 0 -1.205 0 0 c 2.795 0 l 0.254 0 l -0.304 0.585 -0.119 0.556 0.057 0.504 c f /Resources << 0.006 Tc 0.575 -0.555 l Duration of the test is two hours. Q 0 1.121 1.262 1.263 2.113 1.263 c 0 0 m q 2.085 0 l 3.135 -4.608 3.461 -4.538 3.659 -4.409 c 4.011 0 l 0.823 -6.084 0 -5.162 0 -3.715 c >> 0 0 m /ProcSet [ /Text /ImageC /PDF /ImageB /ImageI ] h -3.05 -5.362 -3.422 -4.933 -3.422 -3.796 c 1.092 2.397 0.156 2.326 -0.567 1.971 c (\031\202) Tj -2.98 3.848 -3.797 1.905 -4.824 0 c /TT0 60 0 R endstream endobj 255 0 obj <> endobj 261 0 obj <> endobj 260 0 obj <> endobj 258 0 obj <> endobj 257 0 obj <> endobj 256 0 obj <>stream Q 1. -2.285 -1.329 -2.605 -2.525 -2.636 -3.663 c 10.721 -7.303 l 4.149 -5.353 l /TT0 60 0 R -0.007 Tw f /Resources << -1.2 -2.688 -0.755 -3.19 -0.176 -3.722 c 4TusQ2+$ho71#A ={ ZN6b3j:OZRIm IO{IM^94mUHx*4O h|o@mBv`! 1 0 0 1 121.7533 665.8683 cm 6.262 11.88 274.426 274.027 re /ProcSet [ /Text /ImageC /PDF /ImageB /ImageI ] q h /CropBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] 468 0 l 1.293 3.317 l highway and railroad crossings BT 3.021 -1.021 l 0.353 0 0.626 -0.291 0.626 -0.634 c -2.578 -12.623 1.166 -8.879 1.166 -4.258 c 0 30.063 l 0 0 m f /TT0 60 0 R 1.092 2.397 0.156 2.326 -0.567 1.971 c 2.426 -0.156 3.234 0.171 4.226 0.171 c T* /CropBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] 1 0 0 1 281.15379 359.6918 cm 1 0 0 1 357.8687 373.9989 cm /F1 54 0 R f 0.561 0.732 0.228 0.661 -0.019 0.547 c /TrimBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] 10.111 -7.913 l Q h 5.659 2.183 3.999 3.645 1.829 3.645 c [ (Copyright\040) -1 (\251\0402011\040American\040Water\040Works\040Association\056\040All\040Rights\040Reserved\056) ] TJ h << 1.131 0.266 1.307 0.133 1.307 -0.261 c -0.312 -1.058 l f -1.079 -1.136 -0.865 -1.483 -0.419 -1.483 c q /T1_1 80 0 R /Type /Page -1.745 0.023 -1.326 0.585 -0.561 0.585 c 0.666 0.076 m q First edition approved by AWWA Board of Directors May 8, 1977.This edition approved Jan. 14, 2017. q 1.717 -1.659 l -3.46 -1.56 l 0.556 1.297 0 0.808 0 0 c If a water line installed in the winter is filled with city water at 60 degrees Fahrenheit and the ground temperature is 32 degrees Fahrenheit, the water will cool and the pressure will drop. &SYXeI/$ji+>x')aP46/'J?n[//~sKxJ#OYOzL|*GaI@:@63v LDWQ>eg,MN[ Z8J|c^dJw[]0: pl.Mc~U0,JoLlRU. >> 2.61 0 l 378 384 l 0 0 m 1 0 0 1 268.6958 377.6796 cm 1.886 2.397 l American Water Works Association has the resources and tools you need to progress as a water professional. AWWA C600 is a standard for pressure testing of municipal water systems. 1 0 0 1 288.07761 355.2411 cm [ <1f8f8f8d0d> 15 <1011051990> 20 <9d191f89118d0f07040c191e04060f0d0c048a191d06040c05048d050e191c0c0e060f06880611191d118f0602197f01> 50 <197f16141602> ] TJ endobj 1 T* h 8.339 0 l 1.901 -1.645 1.901 -3.574 1.901 -4.623 c Q 14 0 obj q -3.219 -3.389 -2.581 -4.424 -1.248 -4.424 c /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] 3.379 -2.652 l /Rotate 0 2 w Unknown 0 0 m -0.581 0.198 -1.007 0.313 -1.702 0.313 c Q 4.808 -7.304 l AWWA C600 - Installation of Ductile-Iron Mains and Their - GlobalSpec 2.935 1.263 l Q 3.928 -7.913 l 0.566 -0.555 l 2.938 -3.318 l Q -1.816 -1.503 -0.554 -2.283 0.738 -2.283 c 0 -2.448 l /C2_0 39 0 R 3.673 -1.22 3.29 -2.524 1.829 -2.524 c 1.203 0.465 l Section 330505.31 - Hydrostatic Testing - Cfpua 1.644 0.281 m -2.295 -4.697 -2.357 -4.578 -2.336 -4.46 c -2.283 3.679 m 10 0 obj 2.931 6.343 4.072 5.481 4.466 4.352 c This Standard Describes Underground Installation And Pressure Testing Requirements For. 5.957 0.17 6.708 -1.049 6.708 -2.694 c Installing Ductile-Iron Mains We may chuckle a little, but this happens all too frequently in the field. -6.382 -3.829 m 2.484 -1.988 1.645 -2.827 0.617 -2.827 c 1 0 0 1 271.17239 349.7504 cm Contact Us, McWane Ductile product engineers or sales representatives, ANSI/AWWA C600 Installation Guide for Ductile-Iron Mains and Their Appurtenances. gfg??^W~3ZDeL{&. /GS2 gs >> 78 663.585 150.026 74.415 re Each valved section of pipe shall be slowly, filled with water, and the specified test pressure (based on the elevation of the, lowest point of the line or section under test and corrected to the elevation of the, test gauge) shall be applied by means of a pump connected to the pipe. 0.229 -0.609 0.059 -0.609 0.003 -0.609 c 3.9 0.17 4.099 0.17 4.297 0.113 c (\031) Tj -0.115 0.052 -0.238 0.09 -0.433 0.09 c 0 0 m 0 g endobj -2.426 5.659 l f >> Installation of Ductile-Iron Mains and Their Appurtenances h 1.901 -7.303 l 2.199 -1.304 1.901 -2.793 1.901 -3.73 c 10.083 -7.913 l 1.901 -7.303 l PDF SECTION 9 WATER CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS - Truckee Meadows Water Authority 4.41 -2.269 4.41 -1.305 3.318 -1.305 c << -1.323 -4.209 m -0.864 -4.231 0.391 -2.977 0.391 -1.428 c Use of theStandard:Includes anyoptions oralternatives in the foreword. /Resources << -15.094 -1.221 -15.561 -2.749 -15.561 -4.258 c Appendices: Containsadditional guidance and reference materials for applicationof the standard. S Requirements lists minimum requirements for a product to meet the prescribed standard /Font << 0.248 1.787 0.352 1.787 0.403 1.684 c 0 0 m Q If permanent air vents are not, located at all high points, corporation cocks shall be installed at such points so that, the air can be expelled as the line is filled with water. 1.892 0 l q -2.283 7.434 m 0 g 0 g /T1_0 34 0 R Q 4.992 0.17 5.715 -0.213 6.126 -1.12 c h Volume 29, Issue 3. 1 0 0 1 285.645 349.0228 cm 2.781 -2.334 1.964 -3.043 1.396 -3.043 c PDF HYDROSTATIC TESTING OF WATER MAINS - Whitinsville Water Company 4.737 -1.545 4.708 -1.035 4.694 -0.482 c 0.5 w 1.901 1.39 l 0.214 0.162 0.485 0.266 0.756 0.266 c 2.241 -0.638 1.787 -0.894 1.206 -0.894 c /CS0 66 0 R 1.852 4.186 1.7 5.835 0.19 5.835 c endobj /T1_0 34 0 R 0.86 -1.83 1.179 -1.678 1.327 -1.407 c 2.042 -1.751 l 1.023 0.518 0.972 0.709 0.786 0.709 c 1.477 -0.988 l Direct any of your questions related to technical and operational information to our Engineering & Technical Services Department. 1.911 -1.583 1.901 -1.412 1.897 -1.227 c 8.821 -7.303 l /Rotate 0 -0.109 -0.523 -0.285 -0.736 -0.285 -1.103 c American Water Works Association -1.403 0 l /BleedBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] h A common mistake is for installers to chase a leak for extended periods of time, only to find the line will eventually pass the hydrostatic test without changing any parts of the water line. -0.471 0 l Cover: Includestheabbreviation for thestandard name in the upper righthand corner. 0.403 -3.367 0.972 -2.658 0.972 -1.565 c 1 0 0 1 266.0005 357.77139 cm Slow fill the line. f q /CropBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] 0.002 Tw /T1_2 29 0 R /CS0 66 0 R 0 0 m /GS0 62 0 R /ExtGState << McWane Ductile is proud to be a part of the McWane family of companies. 0.662 -3.47 0.724 -3.588 0.703 -3.721 c /ColorSpace << [ (\037) 70 (\036) -65 (\036) 56 (\037\035\034) -5 (\033) -3 (\032) -6 (\031) -3 (\030) -18 (\032) -4 <17> -1 (\030) ] TJ 1.776 -1.599 l -0.01 Tc /CS0 66 0 R 13.898 0 l -0.589 1.383 -0.446 1.117 -0.428 0.808 c 0.646 -2.097 l -2.822 -1.659 0.482 -0.922 0.482 -3.56 c 1 0 0 1 78 127.334 cm 1 0 0 1 109.1611 685.90669 cm 2.794 0 l PDF Installation of Ductile-Iron Mains and Their Appurtenances n /GS2 gs /T1_0 1 Tf /C2_0 39 0 R (\030\034) Tj /Contents 101 0 R 1.307 -0.642 l 0 0 m -1.483 1.136 -1.302 1.383 -0.945 1.383 c -0.279 2.333 -0.641 2.023 -0.982 1.595 c /T1_1 74 0 R Any damage or defective pipe, fittings, valves, hydrants, or joints that are discovered following the pressure test shall be repaired, or replaced with sound material, and the test shall be repeated until satisfactory, supplied into the newly laid pipe or any valved section thereof to maintain pressure, within 5 psi (34.5 kPa) of the specified test pressure after the pipe has been filled, with water and the air has been expelled. <0e1e> Tj The hydrostatic test shall be of at least a 2-h duration. -0.321 6.867 l /Rotate 0 -3.999 -5.899 -5.204 -4.268 -5.204 -2.042 c /Parent 1 0 R /Contents 90 0 R (\031) Tj -0.606 1.245 -1.566 0.251 -1.566 -0.937 c 1.074 -1.278 0.922 -1.364 0.728 -1.364 c >> -0.548 -7.222 -0.496 -7.325 -0.496 -7.458 c 0 -1.2 TD 0.69 -0.262 0.376 -0.285 0.133 -0.403 c -1.35 -1.464 -1.141 -1.526 -0.922 -1.526 c 2 w -4.623 -4.07 l 6.369 -1.751 l 1.302 -0.863 0.793 -0.863 0.628 -0.863 c /T1_3 80 0 R 0 Tw /TT0 60 0 R 1 0 0 1 227.5452 684.3746 cm /T1_3 85 0 R h AWWA C600 January 1, 1993 1 0 0 1 281.8828 365.46471 cm The pump should be isolated from the line during the actual test period. 1.696 0.803 1.896 0.451 1.896 0.076 c f /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] 0.799 3.679 l h /Contents 91 0 R 2.167 -0.437 2.115 -0.94 2.115 -1.259 c It is important to isolate the new line for pressure testing as well as allowing the new line to be properly chlorinated and bacteria tested prior to connection with a service line. >> 0.323 -1.065 m /T1_0 34 0 R hb```f`` @( /fr@g2ip^ pk'Xd,&;VSyNaS=qwvw Jerrys responsibility is to provide technical support for water professionals at all levels including engineers, private water companies, contractors, municipalities, and water districts. 0.63 -4.549 1.126 -5.361 1.126 -6.366 c /GS1 65 0 R AWWA C600-10 Installation of Ductile-Iron Mains and Their Appurtenances Downloading: Allowed Max downloads:5 This standard describes installation procedures for ductile-iron mains and their appurtenances for potable water, wastewater, and reclaimed water. /Font << << -2.026 0 l 4-1 Performance test on 36-in. /Type /XObject -0.471 0 l 495 0 obj <>stream /ProcSet [ /Text /ImageC /PDF /ImageB /ImageI ] -1.065 1.595 -1.117 1.698 -1.106 1.816 c 4.313 0.482 3.235 -1.599 0.469 -1.599 c 1 0 0 1 145.5631 671.0585 cm h 0.214 0.162 0.485 0.266 0.756 0.266 c -0.086 -1.953 -0.276 -1.977 -0.537 -1.977 c 0 0 m 4.127 -1.702 3.787 -1.645 3.446 -1.645 c 1.128 0 Td -3.081 -6.985 m 1 0 0 1 282.9355 349.79781 cm Q /TT0 60 0 R -2.893 0 l ET Engineering professionals often include on-site training by the manufacturer in the project specification to ensure training is completed. /ExtGState << 1.34 -1.483 1.34 -1.645 1.364 -1.773 c 16 0 obj 377.193 341.924 -118.386 41.253 re n 0.823 -6.083 0 -5.161 0 -3.715 c 0 Tc 18.046 -39.6 l >> h 0.298 -5.658 l Three hydro tests are conducted with each having the same time intervals. h f /Width 179 0 0 m /GS1 gs 0.33 -0.761 0.685 -1.294 1.561 -1.294 c 5.985 0 Td 0.774 3.679 l >> h /Parent 1 0 R /T1_1 85 0 R >> %%EOF proof:pdf /Annots [ 18 0 R ] 1.901 -3.403 l Conditions not discussed. 133.566 671.059 1.9 -7.304 re -2.12 -0.247 -1.649 -0.713 -0.841 -0.713 c 4.41 -7.303 l /GS3 gs 0.637 -0.551 0.637 -1.197 0.637 -1.549 c 0 0 m 0.499 -1.364 0.323 -1.273 0.323 -1.065 c MINIMUM INSTALLATION AND TESTING REQUIREMENTS Date: June 23, 2010 Date Last Issued: January, 2004 Date First Issued: Prior to 1990 . First edition approved by AWWA Board of Directors May 8, 1977. 4.58 7.901 4.383 8.729 3.463 8.729 c Special consideration must also be given when multiple piping products are used.". -0.775 -2.999 -0.816 -3.043 -0.91 -3.043 c -1.096 -1.25 Td 1.697 0.803 1.897 0.452 1.897 0.076 c /GS3 63 0 R /Contents 99 0 R -0.351 0.57 -0.157 0.522 0.043 0.48 c -0.581 0.199 -1.007 0.312 -1.701 0.312 c /ColorSpace << 2.248 -2.448 l /Type /Pages DRAWN DESIGN DATE REV TRUCKEE MEADOWS WATER AUTHORITY 7/2011 2ND ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS 1.477 -2.448 l -2.212 0.313 -2.822 0.128 -2.822 -0.496 c -0.582 0.198 -1.007 0.313 -1.702 0.313 c %PDF-1.5 Q 0 0 m California Transparency in Supply Chain Disclosure 0.603 -0.328 0.865 0.057 1.245 0.057 c Ri pu>,s(^ FIRc;ZS"]MN??$WQ?RPNhNN!7ofGyvj81k9FM&tlrV^$~>c+o%d /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] 1.659 2.652 l /T1_2 49 0 R /Length 36544 >> 0.637 -2.097 l 69.124 15.616 l /GS0 62 0 R q f Q /C2_0 1 Tf /T1_0 34 0 R PDF Minimum Installation and Testing Requirements - Broward County, Florida 0 -1.148 l 2.131 -3.425 l test pressure before conducting the leakage test. 4 M -0.048 Tc /T1_0 34 0 R 0 0 m /CS0 66 0 R q 0 -1.446 l 0.475 0.399 0.899 -0.576 1.934 -0.576 c 1.44 0.039 l f 1.613 -0.975 1.995 0.473 2.233 1.211 c 0.292 -0.625 0.335 -0.542 0.335 -0.45 c JRis a NACE Certified Corrosion Technician, Envision Specialist, and member of the American Society of Civil Engineers. %PDF-1.3 % 0.637 -2.448 l 4.666 4.439 3.744 5.361 1.518 5.361 c [ (\035\034) -16 (\033) -21 (\032) -7 (\033) -11 (\031) ] TJ -0.326 3.645 -1.986 2.183 -1.986 -0.227 c 0.637 -2.448 l The test pump is to be connected at the lowest point of the line. From source to storage, from treatment to distribution, AWWA Standards cover the products and processes related toall areas of water treatment and supply. 1.852 0 1.852 1.953 1.852 3.146 c h -0.285 -1.568 0.138 -1.83 0.57 -1.83 c /C2_0 39 0 R 3.153 -1.152 3.174 -1.27 3.174 -1.389 c 0.637 -2.448 l 11 0 obj 1 0 0 1 323.9854 372.07069 cm 0 0 m 0 0 m 4.68 0.057 4.666 0.61 4.666 1.347 c 2.937 -3.318 l h 1 0 obj Buy Now AWWA C230-22 Stainless-Steel Full-Encirclement Repair & Service Connection Clamps for Pipe Delivery covershow the product can be packaged, marked, and shipped. -5.204 0.071 -3.957 1.745 -1.673 1.745 c /T1_3 80 0 R q Duration of the test is two hours. /Annots [ 18 0 R ] endobj 02702 - 2 of 6 Kansas City, Missouri Revised 07/31/20 Water Services Department Standard Specifications 1.07 CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS A. SM 2017 American Water Works Association. /GS2 63 0 R stream 0.956 -0.262 l /Filter /FlateDecode q 1.697 0.803 1.896 0.451 1.896 0.076 c 2.139 1.284 m 0.613 -0.332 l /TT0 60 0 R q 2017-06-12T13:26:24-06:00 -0.085 -1.953 -0.276 -1.978 -0.538 -1.978 c 0 -2.448 l 0.617 0.954 m <008b> Tj 2.272 -3.565 l 1.897 -0.333 1.768 -0.77 1.279 -0.77 c 2.241 -0.638 1.787 -0.893 1.205 -0.893 c /TT0 1 Tf 0.5 w 114.677 685.907 1.901 -7.303 re 2.561 0.808 2.006 1.297 1.279 1.297 c 2.61 0 l /Type /Page -2.283 -1.599 l -2.212 0.313 -2.822 0.128 -2.822 -0.496 c h q 1.886 2.397 l 0.049 Tc 0 0 m %%EOF /GS2 63 0 R ET /ExtGState << f -0.109 -0.522 -0.285 -0.736 -0.285 -1.103 c 1.688 0 l 6.566 -0.241 7.516 0.17 8.41 0.17 c American Water Works Association /A << 1 0 0 1 78 582.3992 cm 0.689 -0.437 0.637 -0.94 0.637 -1.259 c /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] q /Annots [ 18 0 R ] 3.035 -1.247 3.035 -1.73 3.106 -2.113 c /GS2 63 0 R Location: Water transmission lines s hall be located and sized in accordance . 1. -1.461 4.084 l S f -0.248 -1.182 -0.155 -1.33 0.372 -1.418 c AWWA can help utility managers, engineers, operators and more continue to improve their professional development. 2.623 -9.898 l Unexpected rock was found, which slowed progress but did not stop installation of the pipe. Q 0.665 0.441 0.865 0.803 1.279 0.803 c Q /Contents 102 0 R /T1_5 47 0 R f 2.212 -2.186 2.708 -1.698 3.008 -1.182 c 2.967 3.19 3.143 2.88 3.143 2.393 c /Rotate 0 /Count 13 2.329 -0.665 l 0.553 -1.56 l q 0.736 -0.437 0.637 -0.936 0.637 -1.25 c 0 -0.863 l >> h Find a Standards Committee of interest. /Type /Action 1.892 0 l Q endobj -0.124 0.561 0 0.325 0 0 c 2.325 0.761 l -0.61 -0.694 -0.703 -0.606 -0.713 -0.429 c Q f 0 0 m 0.181 1.226 -0.076 1.849 -0.984 1.849 c /Contents 92 0 R 0 0 m 1 0 0 1 210.1304 685.90669 cm q -0.504 -0.746 -1.611 -1.074 -1.611 -0.191 c 2.798 0.257 1.833 1.245 0.622 1.245 c 1.112 -2.02 0.965 -2.039 0.774 -2.039 c 1.336 -1.407 l << The dial on the gauge must be in one psi increments. f */XYrw{' .H Y ==2* sY+J]q( 6v. /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] 1.706 -2.939 0.899 -3.604 0.103 -4.017 c 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. The amount of make-up water is documented and compared from all three tests. 0.631 -1.832 l 1.065 -1.034 0.352 -0.709 0 0 c 1.89 -5.353 l /CropBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] Q 3.021 -4.539 3.815 -4.34 4.51 -3.957 c -4.028 -4.368 -3.403 -4.551 -2.751 -4.551 c BT 0 -2.448 l 6.369 0 l h 0.315 -0.758 0.294 -0.689 0.18 -0.657 c 0.003 Tw 0.001 Tc f 0 Tw 0.323 -0.689 0.747 -0.642 1.032 -0.642 c [ (\201) -25 <0f8d> -15 <0e0619> 21 <11050f060f0d0c19> 21 <048f8f8d0d> 15 <10110519> 21 (\220) 20 (\235\031) 21 (\037) 40 (\032\032) 40 (\037\031) 21 21 <0d0b19> 21 -15 <0e19> 21 <8004> 25 <9d198201> 50 <191483848402> ] TJ -0.404 -8.773 0.31 -8.093 0.31 -6.646 c Q f 0.603 0 l 0.637 -1.35 0.694 -1.545 0.937 -1.545 c h 8 0 0 8 172.5585 29.684 Tm 0 5.835 l Many people do not realize how their water gets to them or how blessed we are to have clean drinking water, says Regula. /Kids [ 3 0 R 4 0 R 5 0 R 6 0 R 7 0 R 8 0 R 9 0 R 10 0 R 11 0 R 12 0 R 13 0 R 14 0 R 15 0 R ] 11.969 0 l 0.181 0.371 l 0.29 1.049 0.692 1.167 0.993 1.167 c application/pdf -1.049 1.702 -0.468 1.56 0.128 1.433 c -1.815 -1.503 -0.553 -2.283 0.737 -2.283 c /T1_0 1 Tf /BleedBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] Includes 3.9 0.17 4.098 0.17 4.297 0.113 c -0.003 Tc -0.238 -1.483 -0.039 -1.417 0.071 -1.369 c 1.126 -8.152 0.01 -9.216 -1.148 -9.216 c 6666 West Quincy Avenue, Denver, Colorado 80235, The testing methods described in this section are specific for water-pressure, testing. /CS0 66 0 R 0 Tw -5.871 -1 Td 0.32 5.08 l 284.59 350.263 0.637 -2.448 re /GS2 gs 1.81 -3.118 2.798 -2.148 2.798 -0.937 c 2.45 2.466 2.44 2.644 2.285 2.644 c 2.091 -1.264 2.562 -0.703 2.562 0 c 1.659 2.652 l 0 0 m -1.686 -4.859 -2.295 -5.657 -2.295 -6.941 c 3.673 -1.22 3.29 -2.524 1.829 -2.524 c h /T1_2 49 0 R f 0 0 m /Contents 68 0 R << /T1_5 109 0 R /GS1 65 0 R 2 0 obj -0.499 -0.713 -0.232 -0.646 0 -0.518 c 4.736 -1.546 4.708 -1.035 4.694 -0.483 c /Subtype /Image Test pressure shall not exceed pipe or thrust-restraint design pressures. /Parent 1 0 R 2.751 1.716 3.177 0.922 3.233 0 c It may be necessary to supplement this standard with special requirements not included in this standard (see foreword, Sec. -0.695 3.105 -1.815 1.361 -1.815 -0.751 c /T1_2 1 Tf 0 1.091 0.596 2.17 1.829 2.17 c /GS2 gs f 0.794 -0.77 0.666 -0.328 0.666 0.076 c After all the air has been, expelled, the corporation cocks shall be closed and the test pressure applied. Water temperature is not typically a huge factor during hydrostatic testing but must be considered at times. 0.641 -1.462 l 0 -0.703 0.47 -1.264 1.278 -1.264 c Definitionsdefinesany technicalterms >> h 0 0 0 1 K 2.085 0 l -0.255 -5.828 -0.822 -5.9 -1.602 -5.9 c Internal pressure will decrease as water temperatures decrease-to the point when the fluid begins to freeze, which then creates a substantial issue. <> W Q -2.233 -9.216 -3.081 -8.404 -3.081 -6.985 c 2.936 1.262 l 3.021 -4.539 3.815 -4.34 4.509 -3.957 c f 0.346 -1.058 l 1.886 2.397 l 0.637 -0.55 0.637 -1.197 0.637 -1.549 c h /CropBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] By becoming a member of volunteering with American Water Works Association you are showing your commitment to the water profession. 0.794 -0.77 0.665 -0.328 0.665 0.076 c 3.077 2.17 3.673 1.12 3.673 0 c /Font << /T1_2 49 0 R 0.799 3.679 l 0 Tw 4.27 9.186 4.869 8.817 5.097 8.595 c 8.821 -2.269 8.821 -1.305 7.728 -1.305 c 6.046 0 l 1.925 -1.773 l 0.22 -1.009 0.226 -1.034 0.241 -1.058 c -0.207 -0.609 l -0.317 -1.599 l q Q 0 0 m /Font << 1 0 0 1 115.188 669.4841 cm /Rotate 0 uG| ?~U;P8L.=66 89#o (\t*V>8`^icp;j G ~%Ld! f+61G*6oq/oyZ;3]Q;O5.hiLZ 3.602 -3.829 l 4.808 -3.403 l << 172 0 obj <> endobj -1.403 0 l q 1.901 -1.645 1.901 -3.574 1.901 -4.623 c -0.012 Tw h 2.158 -1.118 l default /Rotate 0 WKZTxNd/_" .;AP*G endstream endobj 213 0 obj <> endobj 216 0 obj <> endobj 217 0 obj <> endobj 218 0 obj <> endobj 16 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 21 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 22 0 obj <>stream /F1 11.5 Tf 0.019 Tc 10.21 0.17 10.721 -1.064 10.721 -2.694 c 4.127 -1.702 3.787 -1.645 3.446 -1.645 c 0.709 5.361 -0.284 5.148 -1.021 4.808 c 2.933 0 Td >> Privacy Policy 0.193 -0.704 0.216 -0.771 0.216 -0.904 c -0.006 Tw Testing of Pressure Piping to be performed according to AWWA C600 (DIP), AWWA C605 (PVC) and the following as applicable: Hydrostatic testing procedure: Testing shall be performed in the presence of the CFPUA representative. q II. 0.214 0.162 0.485 0.266 0.756 0.266 c >> /Resources << 3.143 2.156 3.06 1.698 2.978 1.358 c stream 0 Tc Q A substantial increase in the amount of make-up water as the pressure is increased indicatesa leak is present. 1 0 0 1 187.5118 688.50121 cm h C600-17 Installation of Ductile-Iron Mains and Their Appurtenances 377.597 384 m >> h https://www.linkedin.com/in/jerry-regula-6a87b8138/, How to Use the McWane Ductile Iron Pipe Submittal Builder. Submit the following in accordance with Section 01300 Submittals: - 1. 1 0 0 1 293.9146 354.72839 cm 0 Tw q /CropBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Resources << -1.049 1.702 -0.468 1.56 0.128 1.433 c 1.407 -1.118 l 0 Tc /TrimBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] 15 0 obj This includes products that comply with ANSI*/AWWA C900, ANSI/AWWA C907, or ANSI/AWWA C909. 1.901 3.461 l Q 1.193 -1.148 1.262 -1.348 1.262 -1.742 c (\221\221) Tj /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] k -0.352 0.57 -0.157 0.522 0.043 0.479 c -4.807 1.007 -3.432 1.702 -1.943 1.702 c Try out the McWane Pocket Engineer today. 0 0 m 1.166 -2.749 0.698 -1.222 0 0 c 2.081 -1.294 2.499 -0.964 2.499 -0.533 c Q 0.575 -0.555 l 0.96 0.96 0.96 rg 1.9 -7.303 l /ExtGState << f 4.297 -1.801 l Q 0.737 -0.437 0.637 -0.937 0.637 -1.25 c Website Terms of Use 43.39 0 Td PDF/X-1:2001 2.751 1.716 3.177 0.922 3.233 0 c 1.83 -0.993 l -1.433 4.084 l -0.11 -0.523 -0.285 -0.737 -0.285 -1.103 c -1.207 -0.247 -1.483 -0.024 -1.511 0.371 c 3.801 -2.808 3.006 -3.148 2.085 -3.148 c 1.44 -0.603 l 0.558 6.232 0.527 6.439 0.134 6.498 c 2.595 -0.576 3.442 0.029 3.442 1.506 c 3.389 -2.652 l Q >> What is Tuberculation and Why Did it Happen in Iron Pipe? 4 M 3.02 -1.021 l A water line moves like an accordion when pressures are increased/decreased. 1.996 0.058 2.248 -0.352 2.248 -0.903 c Purchase print or pdf versions ofAWWA standards and manuals. >> 0 0 m What Are the Pressure Requirements for Pipe Testing? -0.325 3.659 0.483 3.972 1.291 3.972 c 1.235 0 Td 85.92 0 0 58.31999 257.28152 276.09309 cm >> endobj /TT0 60 0 R /T1_2 80 0 R f /Type /Page <> h 1 0 0 1 103.30409 667.5842 cm 2.426 -0.157 3.234 0.17 4.226 0.17 c 1.4886 0 0 1.4886 374.715 381.7314 Tm -1.503 -2.226 -4.807 -3.204 -4.807 -0.568 c 1.44 -0.603 l >> 0.023 -0.32 l /GS2 63 0 R 0.6 7.089 1.148 7.384 1.52 7.665 c 24 0 0 24 377.0017 600.3509 Tm 1 0 0 1 138.7002 667.5842 cm 0.813 -0.052 1.083 0.058 1.416 0.058 c /F1 54 0 R AWWA C213-22 Fusion-Bonded Epoxy Coatings &Linings for Steel Water Pipe & Fittings, AWWA C230-22 Stainless-Steel Full-Encirclement Repair &Service Connection Clamps for Pipe, AWWA C623-22 Cured-In-Place Pipe (CIPP) Rehabilitation of Pressurized Potable Water Pipelines, AWWA G560-22 Stormwater Management for Water Utilities, Copyright 2023 American Water Works Association, AWWA Comment Period for AWWA E200 Progressive Cavity Chemical Metering Pumps, AWWA Comment Period on ANSI/AWWA C907-XX Injection-Molded Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Fittings, 4 In.
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