avengers fanfiction peter calls tony during a meeting

Peter saw this and quickly ran into another alley and changed into his alter identity, Spiderman. "Also what have you been doing while we were gone. And how come weve never known about him?Yeah, Clint spoke again, I thought I was the only one with a secret family. "I know, but I like to bother you." Tony knew that no one has seen him yet so he cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. "Nice to see that everyone showed up," said Sam. Meeting the Avengers obviously. Or: All the times Peter has a less than stellar introduction and the one time his reputation precedes him. Ned was busy after school (he had already called him.) "Alright, Avengers! peter gets a phone call | Archive of Our Own Tony has always been very public about his life. He smiled. Peter has to fight the avengers while trying to catch the double. What would happen if Tony stark never recruited Peter Parker for civil war (because they talked it out like adults)? Edit: These are two separate scenarios! Peter's phone repeatedly rings in his English class, and while he is good at ignoring it, some people are not so easily dissuaded. He crept up behind the mugger and tried to think of a witty comment to startle them. I mean - I dont really know much -. The Avengers know this. #wattys2018. "Oh you know, I have taken over part of the company so Pepper does not have so much work to do.". Just a few seconds ago, his face had been void of emotion. He had Peter keep his old last name of Parker to use at school. As funny as it would be to see under the patch of the eye of the man of Fury, I do not think it wise to test him at this point in time! A one shot. He is also a little clumsy fucker and accidentally reveals that he is spider man to the avengers. With a grieving superhero teenager on his hands, Tony is going to have to figure it out quick, if he wants Peter to ever be able to move on and be happy. and not knowing anything is not something Tony can do, he has to know everything. Tony comes to rescue/take care of him some feelings may be revealed along the way. Ever since then, things go smoothly. Peter nodded and went into the elevator with Tony. Summary: Kid? he tried, but there was no response from the boy lying motionless on the ground. /CA 1.0 Tony was thinking about all of this when JARVIS spoke up, "Sir the others have just arrived." Meeting the Mini Stark Chapter 1: Bruce, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction Peter said. discover your favorite characters & ships! He said as he began to web swing away. 3. But when tragedy strikes again during the Stark Expo, its none other than Iron Man himself, his hero, who comes to rescue him. But unfortunately for them, they got away and are now living someplace else.". I know dad behavior when I see it.Tony blinked multiple consecutive times, processing the statement. Peter is excited to spend the weekend at Mr.Stark's place. He had kept Peter from the press so far. Peter Parker & Tony Stark Peter Parker Tony Stark Matthew Ellis Various Classmates Thaddeus Ross May Parker (Spider-Man) Steve Rogers Natasha Romanov (Marvel) those are all mentioned peter gets a phone call it's the president That's it that's the plot tony's there to skedaddle him to dc dc loves peter they love the strange genius boy We need to tell them ourselves before there is an accidental meeting. Thats Peters terrified voice coming through the comms. What if one time they need to ask me something and they see Peter sitting in the living room. /Filter /DCTDecode Peter and Ned go to a science school so let them be smart! You know life is like a never-ending circle. /Type /ExtGState The Rogues are back and Steve is happy to finally except an apology. "Yeah well, I think we should get this meeting started. "Hey Mr.Stark." This blog is a library dedicated to all of the amazing fanfiction creations within the MCU fandom, from all of your favorite ships to familial bonds! "Hey, Tony! That was what Tony was thinking waiting for the rest of the team to come. Tony finds himself caring for the kid's wellbeing, to his annoyance. asked Steve. Sins of the Fathers (ao3) - geekymoviemomRating: General. Because even an iron man is not able to protect his son from death. One thing that none of the Avengers ever got to find out was who was the guy behind the Spiderman mask. >> Peter beat Tony to the tower, but had began to become a bit nervous. ", "oh buddy, you asked for that in your previous life, you stuck with me". However, once they see how Tony acts around Peter, that confusion goes away, as they know for certain who Peter must be - Tonys secret son.Tony and Peter decide to make the most of the situation, and play along. They hope they can keep up the act all summer. endobj #thor And this was true ever since that conversation had taken a break Tony spent a lot more time with Peter and got more sleep at night. /SMask /None>> /Height 244 Someday soon; sooner than anybody thinks. endobj "Race ya to the tower!" Peter Parker has a secret identity and he desperately wants to keep it that way. peters calculus teacher has a policy where a student has to answer the phone on speaker in front of the whole class. Civil war happened, homecoming no. Dad? 25.9K 778 887. by taco2525. I do believe that something has gone very askew! Rhodey was off doing some military business. There he goes again. I was stronger than him, so why couldnt I fight back. Work Search: Ned froze, all other thoughts wiped from his head. He said as he then webbed them up to the dumpster nearby. Peter felt his blood burn an icy cold. "Is Peter coming home from school or his going to someone's house?" The others just chuckled at Clint's childish behaviour. Tony cleared his throat to get them to acknowledge his presence. Peter was making his way home from school, when he caught sight of some thugs mugging an old woman. And now, as if Ned, MJ and Flashs arrival had triggered him, he was beginning to break. Peter Parker Meets the Avengers - Works | Archive of Our Own Tony did his best to console the boy. /Width 567 So what would possess him to suddenly agree to become the guardian of some random kid from Queens? "I asked and all of his friends are busy after school today. Peter barely protested being rolled over, he just mumbled something incoherent. And Youll Blow Us All Away (ao3) - losingmymindtonightRating: Teen And Up. They followed the rest of the group to the living room couch to look at the Tv screen where Nick Fury's face was being displayed in all of its eye patch glory. Phone call from TonyPhone call alternative invasion, tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Peter Parker and the break he didn't catch, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Peter Parker's Field Trip to Stark Industries, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Steve Rogers Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Not Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) Compliant, Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant, Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming) & Peter Parker, Peter Parker is the heir of Stark Industries, but we're all used to that now because of endgame. Without turning around he greeted the father figure. About Spider-Man.. Actually, its perfect; Peter finally has a family and life. Bruce Banner & Clint Barton & Wanda Maximoff & Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov & Tony Stark, Peter Parker and the shit he goes through, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Adopted Child, Pepper Potts Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, The Avengers Find Out Peter Parker is Spider-Man, Post-Movie: The Amazing Spider-Man 1 (2012), I just like it when Peter has vigilante friends instead, Peter Parker Lacks Self-Preservation Instincts, 5 Times Someone Thought Peter Was Tony's Son, Peter Parker & Natasha Romanov & Tony Stark, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, the avengers are kinda jerks but they didn't mean to be, different from my other pics and I kinda regret it, Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov Friendship, did I just use a Star Wars word in place of a bad word, Peter Parker's Field Trip to Stark Industries, no character slander just people being wary and critical, Alternate Universe - Renegotiated Sokovia Accords, "How to apologize: I'm sorry, but you're wrong", I'd put "so your body's cHaNGiNg" on a tshirt, Avengers Team & Peter Parker & Tony Stark. 6 0 obj Did you finally decide to take cooking classes so we don't have to eat your awful cooking anymore!" Too bad Peter ruins it by bumping into all of them on a quest for some cereal at 3 am. #spiderson And I don't have to fight them this time!?" #buckybarnes Summary: May Parker gets shot on her midnight trip to the local corner store for ice cream.Peter now had no living relatives left, and now he truly knew that nothing is worth living for. But now he guessed was the time. School ends as well, and summer finally arrives after a long wait. Summary: It all started when the Rogues were supposed to move back into the Tower after their pardons. Tony Stark and May Parker co-parent Peter and somehow the Avengers translate this into him cheating on Pepper), you can call me son (ao3) - jaybaybayRating: General. Theyre sure. I just wanna finish my coffee in peace without explaining myself to a walking PSA.. Ned glanced down at his friends face, shock shooting through his veins when he saw the sudden emotion all over Peters face. (ao3) - nokurdeRating: Teen And Up, Summary: Could there be something worse than losing every single memory of someone you love and treasure?Yes, Peter Parker could argue. Im sorry but your aunts been in an accident and were going to need you to come to Queens Memorial as soon as you can.. So yeah, things are great. JFIF ` ` C Peter also didn't have many friends, even Harry Osborn was more of a study partner than an actual friend. But they soon learn that they barely have to act at all. About your leg. #jamesrhodes Tony glared. Peter Parker is incapable of having a normal day. He sat on the ledge, his feet dangling carelessly below him, when he heard the familiar sound of metal touching ground behind him. He returned the purse to the woman who thanked him before running off and he shot away on his webs and landed on the roof of a building nearby. Maybe when he was eighteen when he could officially become an Avenger and no longer be the 'friendly neighborhood Spiderman'. {all of my works are on hiatus indefinitely. #peterparker Summary: Tony has a reputation for being someone who doesnt laugh very much. He though to himself. "Pete, I think it's time that you meet the avengers." )B+v GR+r^0/|.>6ueH=l:+3qzV. Are we going to tell them that he is Spiderman? Are you supposed to be in here?. He rushed to his side and gently rolled him over onto his back, being careful to check his body over for any sign of injury, but there wasnt any that he could see. << Thor's loud voice entered the conversation. Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor - Captain America/Steve R., Iron Man/Tony S., Sam W./Falcon, Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Chapters: 3 - Words: 4,721 - Reviews: 59 - Favs: 752 - Follows: 426 - Updated . Bucky said as he rolled his eyes. 30.7K 728. by PEZ_Wolf. #irondad The team had become obsessed over trying to figure out who the man behind the mask was. He turned and saw that all of them were standing there looking around the living room. /AIS false Tony had known one day the rest of the team would have to meet Peter, but he never wanted it to be so soon. /Producer ( Q t 4 . Or: Tony and Peter pretend to be father and son for the Rogues because people kept mistaking them for family anyway. #wandamaximoff Peter got a job and yknow what comes with that. Peter has a run-in with a certain SHIELD agent, and then a certain man who carries a shield._, Febuwhump 2023 | Alternate Prompt #6 | Limp. or: someone replicates the spidersuit and goes around doing bad things. PDF Avengers Fanfiction Peter Calls Tony During A Meeting Could it be an - initially - random kid and a revenge plot the way to it? << Turns out youve had one longer than me!-Peter gets to spend all summer living in Avengers Tower with Tony. Pepper was gone at a meeting. The Witch of Scarlet is right about that! Heaving a full-bodied sigh, Tony scrubs his gritty, achy eyes, hooks his brown gradient aviators in his breast pocket, and steps out. He just hoped that he could keep the secret about him being spiderman a bit longer. mnf8_(a|c *~k7 Being the person that was forgotten.Iron Man gets injured in a fight, which leaves him with a (temporary?) "Oh come on!" Rating: Not Rated. He has a wife, a child, a garden, and a certain spider-themed sidekick to look out for. Peter had nowhere he could stay while he met with the rest of the Avengers. He just wants to keep his head down, do his job as Spider-Man and to keep his loved ones safe. It just so happens that aliens don't care about a high schooler's schedule. Work Search: #nedleeds /ca 1.0 Nothing could ruin this day. They're out to cause mayhem and they don't care who gets in their way, plus taking down a certain annoying crime fighting bug at the same time is just a chance they aren't planning on missing. "Guys, I have an important announcement to make." #spiderchille 7) "Then will you be my dad again in my next life? >> Emergencies Only Chapter 1: Emergencies Only CH1, an avengers fanfic themculibrary: Peter Calling Tony Dad Masterlist Tony got a bit agitated, "Peter, now's the time to prove to your old man that you're alright." Peter slowly winked his eye open, groaning pathetically, "Oh god, dad." He pressed his hand to his head as he met Tony's eyes. The kid groaned a bit as he rolled his head against the pillow but he did not fully wake up. Surely this man was not alone. Actually, it started when Peter jokingly called Tony dad in front of them. peter gets a call from the president during class. #clintbarton Pepper I thought it over and I think it is time for them to know the truth about Peter. Shit. Spoiler alert: the cereal does not survive : ( Part 4 of Peter Parker being a moron Language: English Words: 1,696 Summary: Dad?The voice is weak, hoarse, and it only just comes through the crackling static of his comms. The last person he expects helps him pick up the pieces. 4 0 obj The muggers were wearing burglar masks so he decided to use that. Im not here to harm you, Peter, the man smiled softly, I just think we need to talk.. I was stronger than him, so why couldnt I fight back? Peter Parker's life is going pretty good. $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ? Not my best commentary. Tony had no idea about what he was supposed to do. a little white lie(ao3) -LethalBookshelvesRating: General. Talk? But one thing no one knows, not even the avenger s is that that he has an adopted son. One thing that none of the Avengers ever got to find out was who was the guy behind the Spiderman mask. /Title ( A v e n g e r s F a n f i c t i o n P e t e r C a l l s T o n y D u r i n g A M e e t i n g) And no living being in this world knows about it. Unfortunately for Peter, he's in the middle of calculus, and Tony can't help but pick on him just a little. Your Secret is My Secret - Meeting the Avengers - Wattpad When he arrives, he discovers that the "danger" isn't exactly what he was expecting, and Peter learns that certain recreational pastimes don't have . Peter gets stabbed on patrol, and accidentally texts Tony Stark for help instead of Ned. Basically, what if Peter and friends were at the compound for movie night and the newly pardoned avengers arrive while Tony's on an ice cream run. /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB What about him? 3 0 obj "Shut it Katniss." If the Avengers being out to get him wasn't enough there's also the small issue of a team of new enhanced bad guys on the scene. AU where civil war never happened but homecoming did. Peter is finally meeting the avengers but not in the way he wants. Summary: Being a superhero sometimes means you forget about the small dangers in the world, like disease. What about a list for the rogues meeting peter? - Just Me, Emily Peter Calling Tony Dad Masterlist. As the months and years pass, bringing with them new challenges and threats, both Tony and Peter will be forced to come to grips with their troubled pasts, and learn that their greatest strengths come from each other. Pepper was gone at a meeting. 100% positive. Being an Iron Man means nothing to Tony Stark. No one knows every secret of the universe. Wishful thinking. asked Steve. "Okay, as long as you seem alright with it, I guess I can agree about this. Tony smiled.

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