army range safety brief script

General Commands. The presentation includes the latest information regarding off-duty accidents, new graphics and embedded videos, as well as . idllA. Biking, paddle boarding, swimming, and hiking are good ways to get outside in nature in the summer. Be sure of your target and what lies beyond it. <<96234F1F1A99DE4B982E7CFE926D3149>]>> chadh STANDING OPERATING PROCEDURE (SOP) RANGE - United States Army endstream endobj 170 0 obj <>stream d. Ammunition Detail. ALWAYS keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target and you are ready to shoot. Your job at the point of the range is essentially done. Bike riding is a popular form of transportation, physical activity, and fun, but doing it safely is key. "31\*0)N#1j@`&Vr_A%7tM~dg/.\ pN|8L;4Ms3J54^q[K0HTWaVyiqe\ U+hr7@=+?T'LDR~]6Y%FeTz %."'4%rH ]vCkkkQu46Glcd9ag\R DsjpxVIyG`h` fhSVX >>b: &b_:DM|6"aL-xTS';f^"i8NR&r0c~9utqjU'v?>'m@o@w/;62DG'k+_;' 8s:wys!+1\f?Y[^81H6eT%%IEOy 0000007740 00000 n This checklist consists of nine sections, each covering a different topic relating to range operations. "Safety during the summer doesn't just affect you," she said. trailer trailer The U.S. Army Combat Readiness Center developed this toolbox to aid commanders and leaders in the management of range operations and safe weapons handling. 0000119826 00000 n New OIC/RSO Brief - United States Army Range Safety Procedure - SlideShare This detail is composed of one or more ammunition handlers whose responsibilities are to break down, issue, receive, account for, and safeguard live ammunition. He ensures that a brass and ammunition check is made before the unit leaves the range. 0000047024 00000 n jV2=4u[#%S*Pg"m?_P j;F ygQ. The other one is safe travel. The Range Safety Officer (RSO) is in charge at all times! Range Detail NCO endstream endobj 1358 0 obj <. T$ >1_CPJ~P;]sV:Z\?&)5U, 7Gl;,Rt% Heat exhaustion can rapidly progress to heat injuries like organ dysfunction or heat stroke. ", "At this time, make adjustments to your sights. -Never point your weapon ant anything that you do not intend to shoot If you are having trouble with RFMSS please see. 0000002898 00000 n Range and Weapons Safety Toolbox - United States Army Some sections offered dial-in safety briefs, where we would get accountability over the phone, give our safety brief, and have questions and answers. DHA Address: 7700 Arlington Boulevard | Suite 5101 | Falls Church, VA | 22042-5101. Simple, standard fire commands are needed to avoid confusion during field firing exercises. Range cadre. 116 "These Marines are young. PDF Range Safety Briefing Who will be firing on the range?__________________________________________, Number of personnel_______________Units________________________________, Weapons_______________Course________________________________________, Range_______________________________________________________________. Traversing to the left Traversing to the right. hb```b``e`c`X B@Q%'2Y.h Ji` 2w]:z#uK}pmKE>u!H*RxBqGIf``R Ask the Doc: Heat Stroke vs. Heat Exhaustion -- What's the Difference? In charge and responsible for the smooth running in the firing range, time the exposures of course of fire/matches, sound the audible signal, and give the fire commands. 0000004654 00000 n endstream endobj 5 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<39D2BBED4AD71D8B749EE57B353D5D7C><98E56072B86214469422EDD65B7BFD61>]/Info 9 0 R/Length 48/Root 11 0 R/Size 10/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream McDaniel also said that when using technology wasn't an option, they broke the company down into smaller formations to keep physical contact to a minimum. 0000000965 00000 n T h e A r m y a n d t h e M a r i n e Corps will use this pamphlet in conjunc-tion with AR 385-63 and MCO 3570.1C to establish and maintain a comprehensive range safety program. 3 0 obj R,Cf l|gLf` Pb`@ -" They provide medical support as required by regulations governing live-fire exercises. stream 0000002722 00000 n }- H@Azd @d! hu:;dPg\/t1wh;n$S3I1:}'gLPSRbn"T)m$\1p70p\3.vrFSX $kR`c$Z:4kon) He ensures that a. Ammunition Detail (Ammo NCO). h. Control Tower Operators. Safety Briefs: Don't be Boring and Use Real Examples 0000120403 00000 n %PDF-1.5 Soldiers are briefed to prepare to move down to the live-bay throwing site. Repeat all firing commands until zeroing standards are met. The following commands are used for rapid-fire exercises: ("Issue the firer one magazine of five rounds. Unit Armorer. 0000006565 00000 n e. Both OIC and RSO have read and understand the range SOP. 0000000756 00000 n Range Safety Officer (RSO) h2S0P0W0P+-q b".vv 7 Stop! Conducting planning and coordination and issuing the convoy operation order (see Appendix A in Army Techniques Publication (ATP) 4-01.45, Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Tactical . ", Fuentes: "The main point, for me, is that the Marines see that their leadership is engaged with their safety and their well-being. Collect and concentrate equipment for use on the range in one location. Convoy Brief Format - The Center for Junior Officers There will be no talking or messing with you gear while the safety brief is being read. "When they come back to work on Monday morning, their choices are going to have consequences, whether they're positive or negative," Fuentes said. ", "Move down to your targets and triangulate your shot group. The command "Mark target number ___" indicates that the target has been fired upon but has not withdrawn for marking. mqm5C2on!0JH+]1\u[]&2ebbYvd*;J_T\c)'cg{wB=l:},5^!3"Ow D. Shooters must always follow the instructions from the Range Officers and the Firing Point Officer. *I]$ortAEgarZdYme_5MP3\v[R|J0[[5 s!q? 3. This publication prescribes Army and Marine Corps range safety policies and responsibilities for firing ammunitions, lasers, guided missiles, demolitions, explosives, rockets, and the. g. Medical Personnel. Four Basic Rules of Firearms: Treat every gun as if it is loaded Never point the gun at anything you are not willing to destroy Know your target and what is beyond it Never put your finger on the trigger until the gun is pointed downrange and you are ready to fire Follow range commands: __ ANYONE can say CEASE FIRE OR STOP! )^pZ= Wirv}w^Ko$FM%b.FZWja}>OSyz^8uwz>mN~V2z Report any noted safety hazards to proper authorities. . "It can come down to affecting your family, your readiness and the whole company's operational tempo. Before beginning a live-fire exercise, all personnel must receive an orientation on range operations. The briefing is intended to educate range users on range features,capabilities and limitations, range rules, and any other appropriateinformation. 0000005242 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n f. Rapid Fire Exercises. Perform other maintenance tasks as required by local SOP. %PDF-1.4 % Positive communication from the firing line to the pit area. 0 Twenty seconds is considered the maximum time limit for marking. Or even losing your home? 1 0 obj NCOIC. f. A Deliberate Risk Assessment Worksheet has been completed and approved by the appropriate residual risk authority. 7P#Bp%Ml7Q3917I/fd2icIORpE`*)xZ XOef\M4(s%_$ _EW1SR'*othp~Qv_\1_ G$37pe0;HV:vDF_F 3 DtCGh1yQ3_:=8p"LD.%h ~A/vk{uOHmv_]F*A} KK/Ac}[H|.%h/3Jp_v w' %QZQLv`@ 9H,\4DzH.nN | Uf'_(]t"=aLi{n{628(W$on:"8a+8F9`|~qe\H#&ppc|cz[>Z.2Yj16&.kPp^fMc ^APs&G"\bc%XJRj:ivMy 6N8G@UMmhceHIUIm7-IY7pagUIf~l+t_^:4_]hKA{zt}I 'R'x=Ys4Y4I-{a{HOZZ#E=CGPcwQrh` G]g^'$lsY;g/dUw$vy5~;xuDPK7X!KHVRt37:#3mzlmtnq!i88 GKn2c7U#j9Un;r8. !\NL> sb 3N 3hYp-lcqnL _0{d). The NCOIC assists the OIC and safety officer, as required; for example, by supervising enlisted personnel who are supporting the live-fire exercise. 0000004490 00000 n Important tips for a Safe Summer behind the grill. The detail also collects expended ammunition casings and other residue. endstream endobj 2 0 obj <>stream endobj 0000003030 00000 n ", "Firers, lock your first magazine, load. Uniform of range and firing personnel (helmets and earplugs). Mode of transportation, departure times and places. RSO Lesson 4 - Range Safety Briefing.pdf - RSO Lesson 4 It works. G . A PDF reader is required for viewing. Four Basic Rules of Firearms: (RSO) Treat every gun as if it is loaded Never point the gun at anything you are not willing to destroy Know your target and what is beyond it Never put your finger on the trigger until the gun is pointed downrange and you are ready to fire Loading and Unloading: (RSO) A short briefing will be administered prior to range use. 0000076109 00000 n Issue copies of the shooting range rules to all range users. stream 0000102753 00000 n Control Tower Operators (Firing Point Officer). On-the-spot corrections being made when troops use poor techniques or fail to hit the target? endstream endobj 252 0 obj <>/Metadata 23 0 R/Pages 22 0 R/StructTreeRoot 25 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 253 0 obj <. Serves as the Range Safety Officer; ensures all safety requirements and regulations are complied with; conducts safety briefings; supervises and instructs Assistant Safety Officers (ASO) on their duties; ensures the down range area is clear and the range flag is posted; ensures proper use and accountability of all ammunition; calls cease-fire when any safety violation is observed; verifies all weapons are properly cleared. Esperanza Fuentes, the leaders of Bravo Company, Headquarters and Support Battalion at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina - who spoke to us recently about effective ways to resonate safety to young service members before they head out for a weekend of partying and recreation. 0000002646 00000 n One assistant instructor (AI) is assigned for each one to ten firing points. 0000119799 00000 n PDF Effective Army Briefing The rules, demonstrations, and explanations of range equipment will be posted in plain sight and explained in the briefing room. How to prepare for an evacuation affecting your family? I try to engage the Marines, especially junior Marines, by reminding them that they volunteered because they wanted something better in their lives.". ", McDaniel: "My biggest concerns are water safety - when Marines, sailors, families are getting into the ocean. Duty descriptions can be posted by using the form below. hbbf`b``3 kO %PDF-1.5 % The range safety officer (RSO) is responsible for the safe operation of the range to include conducting a safety orientation before each scheduled live-fire exercise. 0000002156 00000 n 0000001687 00000 n For the Commander: HARTMUT H. RENK Brigadier General, GS Chief of Staff Official: SCOTT T. CHANCELLOR Chief, Army in Europe Document Management Summary. McDaniel explained that he tries to invoke some inspiration to make his Marines see the larger purpose of the safety briefs. PDF Range Orientation and Safety Briefing Check List - Armed Defense 1. Ammunition personnel (determined by type of range). So You're the Convoy Commander. What Now? - USACRC "It keeps it funny and it's relatable," said Fuentes. Safety paddles and vehicle flag sets or lights. Connected Campus Collage: Tales of Using Salesforce Across the Lifecycle, Emergency evacaution & exit route awareness training ppt by Bablu Kumar Deo, Operation Keep Up The Fire - M9 Range CONOP-updated, Safety handbook Saudi Aramco BY Muhammad Fahad Ansari 12IEEM14, Instant City - a BaMC Challenge: Household I-1, Fall 2, Music Programs for Childcare Nurturing Young Minds through Melodies.pdf, ECOLUXEPre-EmmysEndlessSummerFestival2023.pdf, TREAT THE GUN AS LOADED 3. %%EOF He ensures that all personnel comply with the safety regulations and procedures prescribed for the conduct of a live-fire exercise. Organize personnel into firing orders (keep unit integrity if possible). Fp(MqNOWHbS!-t3i]N4-t|[_G_\ ~ > WaS. 0000010872 00000 n Date_______________Opens__________Closes__________. This detail is composed of one or more ammunition handlers whose responsibilities are to break down, issue, receive, account for, and safeguard live ammunition. The NCOIC assists the OIC and safety officer, as required; for example, by supervising enlisted personnel who are supporting the live-fire exercise. PDF Range Administration and Safety Briefing - Quantico Shooting Club ), "Firers, assume a good supported (prone unsupported) position. ), "Commence firing when your targets appear. 297 0 obj <>stream or for slow fire, "The next firing will be ten rounds, slow fire. PDF Safety Range Safety - United States Army 49 0 obj<>stream +TuQo6?Nx!2C$S\$q %OePw eo*0vX`xFfcy:F1,X(W*FpR0:8/$&8 (3-inch markers are used for 100, 200, and 300 meters; 5-inch markers are used for 500 meters.). Interior ballistics / Internal ballistics, Silabos desarrollado de uso y manejo de armas de fuego dii, Reglas bsicas del manejo seguro de armas de fuego, IPSSC Sample Pistol Safety and Familiarization Course, Institute of Protection Specialists & Security Contractors (IPSSC), medidas de seguridad, en el manejo de armas. Have fire commands typed for use on the range. We need more examples. endstream endobj 1 0 obj <>stream $[@A / bX E+H<9zb``D' 0000076380 00000 n <<77C8A84C4114A04882C3CA31D08462B5>]/Prev 436249/XRefStm 1671>> Safety Briefings - FM3-22.9 Appendix D Range Safety And Risk Management - Motorcycle Safety Thanks! Minimum of 68W or EMT required. RATELOs never identify a firer on a particular firing point. 251 0 obj <> endobj Targets are marked quickly after each shot or group of shots without command. These healthy habits are going to prove successful for them, not just in their time in the Marine Corps, but throughout their entire life.". Refer to the checklist to find the GO and NO-GO columns. C. Location of the Ammo releasing point and restrictions (no smoking). Check ammunition to ensure it is correct type and quantity. Off-Duty Safety Awareness Presentation 2021 - United States Army (b) Using Disk Markers. 0 0 ", "Place your selector lever on semiautomatic. %PDF-1.4 % Safety Briefings Safety Briefs This page is for safety briefs. Shooters never fire or point their rifles outside the limits of these limits. Do not sell or share my personal information. _+?Oal;cV/}|7+L, i|> 1|gHXvmSP]*%)qu9L>ZQ(*giY, +8+="f{uP|IGS47iG{CB?g0;Oq9^1+gqLEqYJ*7Y2s$i. PdHR*sE` |#l[ u`jdUcKz#U`\ozb\;uiCfpi6SL[ S'TQw.f?#T)3>s?3mbkB9rk+&?HjsQ{j3 2mzv\>iB{pb@R"F+/rT % He ensures that a dry-fire exercise is conducted and the weapon is rodded before a firer leaves the firing line. On the line, units might execute a day of EST, then move out to the range. `RDQ=/cwQ9;S# ~nKl.:CKa^dhMTI0Cv:\vzvS=|%0VgN I:D|)v`okp0'W(#PT:S+ 1hEIJ}f% Defense Health Program Agency Financial Report, Ensuring Access to Reproductive Health Care, DoD Instruction 6040.46: The Separation History and Physical Examination (SHPE) for the DoD Separation Health Assessment (SHA) Program, DoDI 1332.18: Disability Evaluation System (DES), MILPERSMAN 1730-020 Immunization Exemptions for Religious Beliefs, DoD Instruction Number 6490.11:DoD Policy Guidance for Management of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury/Concussion in the Deployed Setting, DoD Directive 5136.01: Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs (ASD(HA)), DoD Instruction 1100.13: Surveys of DoD Beneficiaries, Air Force Instruction 44-119: Medical Quality Operations, DoD Instruction 6040.40: Military Health System Data Quality Management Control Process, Standing Orders for Administering Pneumococcal Vaccine (Pediatric), Standing Orders for Administering Varicella (Chickenpox) Vaccine (Adult), Standing Orders for Administering Pneumococcal Vaccine (Adult), DOD Controlled Access to Health Information, Out for a Bike Ride? i. m#>zO " Your job now is to continue to supervise, ensure your commander's intent is being met, then to provide any reports to ensure range success. e. Practice Record Fire and Record Fire. It gives us an opportunity to promote that culture of care. The range safety officer (RSO) is responsible for the safe operation of the range to include conducting a safety orientation before each scheduled live-fire exercise. d. Both OIC and RSO have received a Range Safety Briefing from Range Operations. PHASE I: PLANNING/RECON KEY TASKS: Identify and certify all Range Safety Officers, Range OIC, and NCOIC. ", "Repeat all firing commands until grouping standards are met.". How do you craft an effective safety brief? hb```zea/-|Sjg4ms60-|^=z4$052{47-a-4f'?\a%a^/\..z}FN D" u=A Step One, take a look at the training schedule and lock in your range time. endstream endobj startxref It's essential for the success of our young Marines, but it's also so effective in managing stress," he said. Planning/Running a Range - The Center for Junior Officers a. In order to assist you with making every Soldier aware of the off-duty hazards they will face in the upcoming months, we've updated the off-duty safety awareness presentation. McDaniel: "It gives us a chance, as leadership, to get our eyes on all of the Marines - their physical appearance, their demeanor - and it gives them a chance to see us. 0Em&C5b%5B$OJJvp./0D]+Q(,_W+| A:ywDaE4x8,?hZfi&ZXTia"Wl43YnTi> BO>stream Afterwards, check to ensure the countermeasures work. 0000000836 00000 n spelling-121229061142-phpapp01.pdf MichelleRoseNaynes RANGE SAFETY PROCEDURES AND RANGE ORGANIZATION 1. I know the weapons safety rules and stuff like that are a given, but if anyone has a typical brief script they like to give, or subjects to include so I don't forget anything that would be great. (2) Commands for conduct of fire are minimal and standard. Each assistant ensures that all firers observe safety regulations and procedures, and he assists firers having problems. Follow these tips for a Safe Summer with Fireworks, Important tips to have a safe summer of driving. Although the Defense Health Agency may or may not use these sites as additional distribution channels for Department of Defense information, it does not exercise editorial control over all of the information that you may find at these locations. T h i s p u b l i c a t i o n i s a m a j o r revision. Here's a four-step process, and five essential tips, to help execute an excellent range. <>/XObject<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 22 0 R 28 0 R 34 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 720 540] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Try to cite real world examples that illustrate risks. Microsoft Word - Range Orientation and Safety Briefing Check List.doc BN8dVV)#I_ppwu98wpgy7H'E[4Ys) jBDaA fS(aM /92LxISII%*iW)U#yzw)C`Ithgh@JK4uSX$l6I=spY1,'Zt6L:9w{q 39 0 obj <> endobj Safety Brief Safety is our Number 1 Concern! Maintenance Detail. endstream endobj 4 0 obj <>stream !+q O KUSW`gsl~btR-G"Y{. Army in Europe Pamphlet 385-15-1* 28 February 2019 Safety Commanders Convoy Checklist and Risk Assessment *This pamphlet supersedes AE Pamphlet 385-15-1, 15 December 2003. }N| }(MxBuM=xb+j,Ske Safety briefs serve as important reminders for all Service members to be mindful while enjoying their time off (Photo by: You have allocated resources, planned, given guidance and supervised. h. A red range flag is flown from the flag pole. B. If they're going over eight hours, we want them to find a hotel and stay somewhere overnight. startxref B. h The checklist should be modified to include local policy changes to the regulations or SOPs. ;_ =jZqa(w}l8vs~{b~\:pc+ ^Zqv{Q> 21NJ6+u[ESB._y3!_ 0000048179 00000 n Each time the target is marked, the marker is removed from the previous hit, and the hole is pasted. Conduct safety briefing (to include administrative personnel on range). 0000008956 00000 n (1) When all the targets are withdrawn, the range officer checks for slow firers or malfunctions and then allows them to fire. <>>> The OIC is responsible for the overall operation of the range before, during, and after live firing. The detail also collects expended ammunition casings and other residue. XXEJYgWf:6r1k7#|L*H-v UK%N>jl'>RuUe{\3bs"fFRHM(D] When is the range scheduled for operations? 0000047972 00000 n 0000000516 00000 n 1 0 obj McDaniel said that it's up to them, personally and individually, to live up to that ethos and the high standards set forth by the Marine Corps to get what they want out of life. Range Operations Duty Descriptions - 0000006004 00000 n Close down range according to the local SOP. Start by creating a basic disaster emergency kit and create a plan to get back together as a family in the event of a disaster. K+80F ,fK4SRMRv6@t;00L L;y| .H?GiEmN fdcL0 s'L,:Rm}u`je 'hHcp`V'|Bk0O_.Lkj3"C\9Wr]dkL&B h Y|? 0000002032 00000 n endstream endobj 40 0 obj<> endobj 41 0 obj<> endobj 42 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 43 0 obj<> endobj 44 0 obj<> endobj 45 0 obj<> endobj 46 0 obj<> endobj 47 0 obj<> endobj 48 0 obj<>stream (4) RATELOs relay commands to the pit and pass on special instructions to target operators as requested by assistant instructors. PDF Range Orientation and Safety Briefing - Armed Defense

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