He was promoted to Deputy Assistant Director/Inspector in Place in 2003 and served in both the Office of Professional Responsibility and Human Resource Division at FBIHQ. . Checks must be received by the Hotel 30+ days prior to arrival. School Safety Advocacy CouncilPO Box 1225Salem, NH. For more information, LEAs should review the allocation funding, allowable costs, and grant links listed below. To assist in this effort, the Texas School Safety Center provides thistoolkit. 19 Sep 2022. Our conference is designed to provide you with the latest insights, strategies, and best practices to help you lead your school district to success. Middle and high school students also engage in project planning that will be implemented in their respective schools or communities. To support your efforts, TASB offers many school safety services and training opportunitiesavailable exclusively for member districts. This conference focuses on research-based and classroom-originated interventions, lessons and curriculums to help students manage their emotions, achieve goals, express empathy for others, maintain positive relationships and make successful personal decisions. The Cyber Incident Management Workshop is a non-technical, informative session designed to help school districts and public junior colleges understand cyber incident management concepts, as well as the key elements that go into planning and implementing a cyber incident management plan. Education Service Centers Map | Texas Education Agency Ground breaking Thank you!, Going to school to learn, feel safe and grow in a healthy environment while thriving without fear of harm should be the norm, not the exception., ~ The Honorable Paul Penzone, Maricopa County Sheriff, All Speakers had relevant information!, The presenters and panels were so diverse and experts both locally & nationally., Register now to hear directly from US Secret Service, the FBI, and local law enforcement as well as Superintendents, School Counselors and School Psychologists who have dealt with challenging safety and security situations., National Threat Assessment Center Online registration information for attendees can be found at www.gaschoolsafety.com. . Digital Threat Assessment was developed to address the need to keep pace with the ever-evolving technology challenges that face our students currently. She then earned her Master of Public and International Affairs degree in Security and Intelligence from the University of Pittsburgh. Attendance to School Safety workshops at no cost or a reduced rate. Curt was a Founder, Vice-president, President, and Executive Director of the National Association of School Resource Officers (NASRO) from 1991 until 2005. It is imperative to understand the tools and methods available to identify online threat related behavior. cj19@txstate.edu. Registrants will have the opportunity to attend multiple breakout sessions in the following strands. For the latest information on breakout sessions view the downloadable list. Registrants do not need to select breakout sessions ahead of time.. Participants will leave with a concrete understanding of how to find and curate relevant digital information as is typically represented in a real-life digital threat assessment data gathering scenario. The 2022 Georgia School Safety and Homeland Security Conference is the only learning opportunity in the state to offer this type of expertise. The tools are designed to help create an effective internal monitoring system for LEAs, giving visibility both to campus leaders and district leaders on how well instructional facility doors remain closed and locked. Sextortion: The Hidden Pandemic. The grant will allow for various costs associated with school safety and security; however, the grant will come with a requirement that money must first be spent on items necessary to comply with the rule. National Center for School Safety National Association of School Resource Officers - NASRO 2022 Planning for Your Extracurricular & Athletic Event Security and Emergency Management. Wednesday, July 27, 2022. The rule describes this as part of a school system communications infrastructure, which shall include a panic alert button, duress, or equivalent alarm system, via standalone hardware or integrated into other telecommunications devices, that includes the following functionality: For more information, LEAs should review the allocation funding and grant links listed below. School Safety Standards | Texas Education Agency Top 10 Public Safety Conferences of 2022 - RapidSOS The proposed rule would require that all school system instructional facilities have access points that are secured by design, maintained to operate as intended, and appropriately monitored. for any exterior doors that features electronic locking mechanisms that allow for remote locking, the alert system will trigger those doors to automatically lock and to automatically notify relevant campus staff of any door where the lock cannot engage. It passed with a 125-21 vote and now heads to the Senate. This is a must attend for all educators, administrators, and law enforcement professionals who can bring hard-learned lessons back with the knowledge and conviction of firsthand experience at three active shooter events. If you have any questions, please contact: TEA:safeschools@tea.texas.gov This pre-conference session will provide an opportunity for attendees to take a rare and unique look at one of Americas most horrific school shootings that took place on May 24th, 2022 in Uvalde, Texas. Specific rule text will be available via the Texas Register soon and is preliminarily posted on TEAs website here:Proposed amendment to 19 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 61, School Districts, Subchapter CC, Commissioners Rules Concerning School Facilities, 61.1031, School Safety Requirements. After relocating to Texas and teaching for eighteen years, she served as a junior high principal, high school principal, and completed fourteen years as Superintendent of Schools for Santa Fe Independent School District. Governor Patrick, Speaker Phelan, Senate Finance, House Appropriations Committee Chairs Announce Additional $874.6 Million For Public Safety Initiatives, Governor Abbott Announces ALERRT Travel Assistance, Bullet-Resistant Shield Grant Program, Governor Abbott, DPS Launch iWatchTexas PSA To Promote Reporting System, School Safety Standards Cost Estimates Collection, School Safety Requirements and Information, Required School Safety Training for School District Trustees Now Available on TEA Learn, Required School Safety Action Steps This Summer, Extension of School Safety and Security Grant, School Safety Related Grants - FAQ Submission, School Safety Highlight Overview Document, Proposed amendment to 19 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 61, School Districts, Subchapter CC, Commissioners Rules Concerning School Facilities, 61.1031, School Safety Requirements, Preview of the School Safety Standards Cost Estimates Collection Survey, School Safety Standards Cost Estimates Collection Survey, Campus-level School Safety Standards Cost Estimate Tool, District-level School Safety Standards Cost Estimate Tool, Recorded School Safety Cost Estimate Webinar, School Safety Formula Grant Allowable Costs, School Safety Related Grant Programs webpage here, Campus-level Exterior Door Safety Audit Tracker, District-level Exterior Door Safety Audit Tracker, Weekly Exterior Door Sweeps Webinar Recording, Campus-Level Weekly Exterior Door Sweep Tool, District-Level Weekly Exterior Door Sweep Tool, Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE) Training, Standard Response Protocol/Standard Reunification Method Certified Trainer Workshops, More information on School Marshal training, More information on active shooter training, A Comprehensive Technical Package for the Prevention of Youth Violence and Associated Risk Behaviors, Preventing Youth Violence: Opportunities for Action, Connecting the Dots: An Overview of the Links Among Multiple Forms of Violence, The School Mental Health Referral Path (SMHRP) Toolkit, https://hhs.texas.gov/services/mental-health-substance-use/mental-health-substance-use-resources/find-your-local-mental-health-or-behavioral-health-authority, http://www.dshs.texas.gov/mhservices-search/, Coronavirus (COVID-19) Support and Guidance, http://schoolipm.tamu.edu/more-information/who-to-contact, School Safety Standards Cost Estimate Tools, School Safety Formula Grant Allocation Funding, The grant application will be available on the, The grant application is available on the. Greg Abbott has announced a new school safety review process that will include "in-person, unannounced, random intruder detection audits on school districts." Why it matters: On Wednesday, Abbott called on state lawmakers to find solutions to "prevent future school shootings," in the wake of the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. The Basic Plan provides essential information for the districts leadership and key personnel to manage emergencies that affect the district. This session will feature Mr. Ken Mueller, former Director of Student Services from Uvalde Independent School District, Dr. Amy Grosso, Director of Behavioral Health from Round Rock School District, Chief Jeffrey Yarbrough, Chief of Police from City of Hutto, Texas. Once logged in, go to the Agenda page to join sessions. Register for the Weekly Exterior Door Sweep webinar here. This letter is intended to provide information on additional tools to help accomplish the objectives outlined in the June 30 TAA, and also provide clarity as to what is and is not required this summer, based on questions weve received. School Safety Conferences | Raptor Technologies . All Rights Reserved. 2023 National School Safety Conference July 24-28 Las Vegas, NV Basic School Resource Officer Certification School Safety Specialist Certification Because of the popularity of this conference, we will expand this conference to two separate conferences each year, one in the east and one in the west. School Safety Advocacy Council - The recognized leader in school safety More than a dozen laws were passed in 2019 focused on school safety after the Santa Fe school shooting. 2023 Annual Conference February 20-23, 2023 Fort Worth Omni Downtown Hotel 1300 Houston St., Fort Worth, TX 76102 The #TSPRA23 Conference is shaping up to be an amazing opportunity for networking, learning, and collaboration. rules Deputy Chief DeAndrea will provide conference attendees with a glimpse into the mindset that law enforcement takes regarding response to an active school threat situation. Access information for the LMHA/LBHA through the online search tool: http://www.dshs.texas.gov/mhservices-search/. To guide this process, TEA is providing theCampus Level Exterior Door Weekly Sweep Tooland associatedDistrict Level Exterior Door Weekly Sweep Tool. updated the following resources to reflect these new mandates: Ms. Gells broad range of experience includes her work as a Spacecraft Systems Engineer, designing and developing numerous subsystems for the Orion Spacecraft and other Advanced Programs; and an Experiment Support Scientist, conducting Physiological Research on Astronauts in Microgravity for the International Space Station (ISS) Medical Program. School safety is a top concern for school districts across Texas. 2020-2023 K-12 School District Audit Cycle: Training, Drilling and Exercising Toolkit, Member of the Texas State University System. Threat Assessment teams must be trained in accordance with. 3xLOGIC's Gunshot Detection Sensor is one of their newest and most promising technologies. The course introduces school board members to legislative requirements and best practices for safety . MCSOs jails process and house all felony and most misdemeanor inmates for the County, in excess of 100,000 intakes annually. Start with Hello, one of Sandy Hook Promise's no-cost Know the Signs programs, teaches students to be more socially inclusive and connected to each other. TASB School Safety Services - Texas Association of School Boards He was selected to lead the Phoenix Field Offices Violent Crimes and Counterterrorism squads in 1996. Events | SchoolSafety.gov Date: June 28 - July 3, 2023. This workshop will be instructed by the Department of Homeland Securitys (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). Ohio School Safety Summit To ensure clarity of expectations, LEAs can reviewthis documentto see each of the survey questions they will be asked. Speaker Application Deadline is on July 15, 2022. However, if conducted, active threat exercises are best operationalized as a multi-jurisdictional effort, including local law enforcement, fire and EMS, working together to test communications and capacity during a simulated event. His youngest son Alex was one of the 17 innocent victims murdered in the Parkland school shooting. Join us Tuesday, May 30- Friday June 2, 2023, at the Fort Worth Convention Center in Fort Worth, TX. A uniform, planned, and practiced response to any incident is the foundation of a safe school. TEA will release a formula-based grant application in the coming weeks to support the school safety standards proposed rules referenced above. The NSGP provides funding support through a competitive process for facility hardening and other security enhancements to nonprofit organizations at high risk of a terrorist or other extremist attack and promotes emergency preparedness coordination and collaboration between public and private community representatives, as well as state, local, One critical aspect of crisis response is accountable reunification of students with their parents or guardians in the event of a school emergency. Texas Gov. On June 30, 2022, in coordination with the Texas School Safety Center (TxSSC) the Texas Education Agency (TEA) released the Required School Safety Action Steps This Summer TAA that outlines immediate steps that school systems are required to take to support the safety and security of public schools. This committee must actively participate in developing and implementing emergency plans for campuses and other facilities. To see a map of counties and districts in each ESC region, use the Texas Education Agency's School District Locator tool. Making Schools Safe for Students | National Institute of Justice Chief of School Security 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Lunch (Own your Own) 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm General Session - School Safety 2022: Major Legislation, Top Cases & Liability Issues. Enroll. Why Attend - 2022 With breakout sessions and keynote addresses from nationally renowned trainers and global networking opportunities, the conference offers attendees a host of opportunities. An overall assessment of risk cannot be determined without looking at social media and online activity. Toll Free: 877.304.2727 The SSSC was tasked with developing the criteria school entities are to use in performing school safety and security assessments, issuing a survey to school entities to measure school safety and security preparedness, and administering grants. Denise Amber Lee Be the Difference Virtual Conference - January 31st to February 2nd, 2022 / Virtual The Denise Amber Lee Foundation's Be the Difference conference is designed to provide continuing education sessions for 911 telecommunicators. Every state across the country should be modeling what you are doing with this conference. Katey McPherson brings experience in school leadership, prevention, and organizational change with 25 years as a secondary school teacher, guidance counselor, and K-12 school administrator. The TxSSC will the provide the criteria that will be used to evaluate the plans and the link to submit the plans in an email on September 12, 2022. The Texas School Safety Center (TxSSC) has opened the District Audit Reporting Tool (DARtool) for districts to submit their safety and security audit results for the 2020-2023 audit cycle. Private schools are not eligible recipients for funding. Governor Abbott Directs TEA To Create New Chief Of School Safety And Security Position, iWatch Silent panic alert technology is generally defined as a silent system signal generated by the activation of a device, either manually or through software applications, intended to signal a life-threatening or emergency situation (such as an active shooter, intruder, or other emergency situation) requiring a response from law enforcement and/or other first responders. ASSP Safety Conference and Exposition. The Texas School Safety Center at Texas State University serves as a central location for school safety information and provides schools with research, training, and technical assistance to reduce youth violence and promote safety in Texas. 2023 Campus Safety Conference in 3 Cities: Henderson, NV; Dallas, TX Themed Developing School Safety Leaders, the conference will offer strategies to empower These are the security measures the Uvalde School District had in place Conference 2023 | C-PASS There will be a $200,000 grant allocation for smaller and rural LEAs, even if using the per-pupil methodology they would receive less than the $200,000 minimum grant award. Being in the industry now for almost 10 years I also have a new experience at the . The grant will allow spending on a variety of security-related items identified by the needs of each LEA. A 2017 to 2020 school district audit by the Texas School Safety Center found that only 200 of . 2023 School Safety and Security Summit Events | Texas School Safety Center - Texas State University These exercises are conducted during a non-instructional time so students and other non-participants are not present in the facility. Max is currently the executive director of Safe Schools for Alex (SSFA), the 501(c)(3) he formed after the tragedy. Safety Conference Calendar - National Safety Council ASSP Safety 2023 | Annual Safety Conference + Expo Lt. Sean Burke(ret), President School Safety Advocacy Council. 3xLOGIC will also be showcasing school safety solutions at the Campus Safety Conference Texas 2022 event in Fort Worth, Texas, from July 18 to July 20, 2022 and at the 2022 National School Safety Conference in Orlando, Florida, from July 25 to July 29 . Top K-12 Education Conference - Innovative Schools Summit Attend Campus Safety Conference | Campus Safety Conference The Texas Education Agency (TEA) and the Texas School Safety Center (TxSSC) are committed to supporting local educational agencies (LEAs) in their efforts to improve the safety and security of school facilities for staff, students, and visitors. The Texas School Safety Conference will provide a unique and exceptional platform for educators, administrators, school-based law enforcement, and school safety professionals to collaborate and work together towards creating and fostering a safe and secure learning environment. Under Sheriff Penzones leadership, the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office (MCSO) is committed to a mission of ethical, effective, and impactful law enforcement and public safety. 2023 Campus Safety Conference - West - Clocate Cancellation Fee: Any attendee or exhibitor cancellations prior to 4/3/23 will receive 50% of their registration fee. Late Registration Rate is $575 for members and $625 for non-members, and these rates will be from June 1st until the start of the Conference. NOTE: You must be an authorized eGrants system user to access the application. He will present on two life and career changing incidents with his firsthand experience at the Columbine and Platte Canyon High School shootings. 2022 National Summit on School Safety - Safe and Sound Schools The certification will not require you to attend a separate class but only to attend specific courses during the conference to receive your certification. Coronavirus (COVID-19) Support and Guidance - Texas Education Agency Home | Texas School Safety Center
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